Month: April 2018

How do Sudbury Schools work: Why Not Offer Classes?

How do Sudbury Schools work: Why Not Offer Classes?

In the course of browsing content for our new website, we discovered on the Philly Free School’s site this article from our colleagues at Clearwater School. Since before we opened the school in 1998, people have been asking about classes, and they still do. The exchange below still applies. WHY NOT OFFER CLASSES? AN EMAIL DIALOGUE by Amanda…

Sudbury school vs Public school: Parkland

Sudbury school vs Public school: Parkland

The recent high school shooting in Parkland, Florida has inspired some of the affected students to mobilize for change. I have watched with much interest as both politicians, the public and the media try to respond to the reality of young people speaking their minds about something that matters deeply to them. The responses have ranged from…

Free-Range Parenting Redux

Free-Range Parenting Redux

In the news recently, Utah state legislators passed a “free-range parenting” bill. Here’s an excerpt from the story in the Washington Post: The measure, sponsored by Utah state Sen. Lincoln Fillmore (R), exempts from the definition of child neglect various activities children can do without supervision, permitting “a child, whose basic needs are met and…